Zürich, 2.11.2020 - International Association of the Recognized Police Officers (IARPO) is invited from Academy of European Law (ERA) on the Annual Conference Countering Terrorism in the EU 2020 - dealing with right-wing and non-jihadi extremism.
Objective: This annual conference will present the European Union’s and Member States’ responses to dealing with right-wing and other forms of non-jihadi extremism. At the heart of the conference will be the judicial and law enforcement actions of relevant EU agencies and Member States’ authorities in detecting, prosecuting and imprisoning extremists and assisting with their reintegration into society after release. How to deal with online hate speech and extremist material will also be analysed.
Key topics:
- Analysis of the EU framework dealing with right-wing and other forms of non-jihadi extremists and EU agencies’ work in the field, including hate speech and extremist material online;
- Member States’ approaches to dealing with right-wing and other non-jihadi extremists from prosecution to release, including case studies;
- Challenges in dealing with right-wing and other non-jihadi extremists in prisons and their reintegration into society;
10 December 2020 - 08:30-18:00 CET 11 December 2020 - 08:45-13:15 CET