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Training for Kantonspolizei Zürich

Autorenbild: Head of Public RelationsHead of Public Relations

The GVZ Gebäudeversicherung Kanton Zürich (Zurich Cantonal Building Insurance) conducts two training and continuing education course days each year for base commanders and officers from the fire department, ambulance, police and civil defense. The Zurich Cantonal Police has participated in these courses since 2004. On June 22 and 23, the response to major incidents such as railroad accidents, fires with mass panic or threats from chemical, biological, nuclear or explosive objects was practiced at four locations. The goal of the joint exercise at the incident command level was to refine command and control with partners and organizations. Among others, the Zurich City Police, Schutz & Rettung Zurich and SBB CFF FFS were involved.


© 2011-2025

International Association of Recognized Police Officers

Postfach 314, CH-8050 Zürich


CH-UID CHE-389.960.512

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